Withington Methodist Church
Monday Monkeys
A playgroup for pre-school children (up to 5 years) and their grown-ups / carers based in Withington. It is a partnership between Grace Church and Withington Methodist Church.
The group runs every Monday during term time, from 10.00am - 11.30am at Withington Methodist Church, Wilmslow Road, Manchester.
We offer a range of play equipment and activities for toddlers and we have a dedicated baby area.
We have a snack time and a bible story and craft time, and we have song time at the end after we tidy away.
The suggested donation to cover costs is £1.50 per child - pay on the day.
Numbers are limited to 30 children. Booking is essential. Please do not just turn up as unfortunately we will not be able to admit you to the session without a booking.
If you would like more information, please
contact us at mondaymonkeys.withington@gmail.com
Tuesday tots
Tuesdays 10:00am - 12noon
This group for accompanied pre-school children and carers meets during term time on Tuesdays in the worship area.
Toys are provided for children and juice, coffee and biscuits are served. We charge a nominal £1 per child.
Please note that Tuesday Tots are not currently meeting.
Thank you.