Withington Methodist Church
complaints procedure
Withington Child Contact Centre aims to provide families and referrers with the best possible service. However, from time to time there may be occasions when users of our centre feel that the quality or level of service falls short of what can reasonably be expected from a free, voluntary service. If you have a complaint, we would like you to tell us about it.
Complaints should be made initially to the Team Leader on duty on the day. If the complaint cannot be satisfactorily resolved then and there, brief written notes of the complaint and the circumstances that led to it will be made and the complainant should sign and date the note.
These notes will then be given to the Centre Coordinator, or Assistant Coordinator if the Centre Coordinator was on duty at the time of the complaint. (The contact details of the Assistant Coordinator can be obtained from the Centre Coordinator.) They will then investigate the circumstances in so far as the Withington Child Contact Centre is concerned and make notes about the matter, which will be signed and dated.
The Centre Coordinator (or Assistant Coordinator) will then discuss the matter with the complainant and will attempt to resolve the issues to the satisfaction of all concerned.
If this is not possible, the complainant will be invited to submit details in writing within 7 days to the Church Minister, who will acknowledge receipt of the complaint. (The contact details of the Church Minister be obtained from the Centre Coordinator.)
The Church Minister will investigate the complaint and send a written reply to the complainant within 30 days, or explain why further time is needed. The reply will:
Set out the complaint so the complainant can be sure the complaint has been understood
Describe the event and the circumstances surrounding it
Say whether or not the complaint is deemed to be fair, giving reasons for the decision. It should be noted that if such an admission could have legal/insurance implications, the Church Minister will have taken legal advice
If the complaint is deemed to be fair, apologise on behalf of the Contact Centre and explain the steps that have been taken to avoid it happening again
The decision of the Church Minister will be final
Written records of all complaints will be held by the Centre Coordinator, including any written legal or insurance responses. These complaints will be reviewed from time to time to see if lessons can be learned and procedures improved.
- This complaints procedure will be reviewed yearly. This procedure was last reviewed in March 2024.